The 2012 Hungry Olympic Games.

Once every two years (winter and summer) I get forget that I can’t stand watching televised sports and give it up for the Olympics. How many times did I cry during the opening ceremony? About 5 times. The first was within the first 4 minutes.

What is it about the Olympics that makes me go crazy? It is because these are our best, these are young kids (quite often) that give everything to go compete against the world.

Be right back, needed a tissue.

Snuffles  . . . we’re good now.

Ah yes, Bob Costas and other NBC announcers: you don’t always need to be talking.

I hated how much the NBC announcers talked through the opening ceremonies. Danny Boyle, a fan favorite of the Queen cum-Bond Girl. Kenneth Branagh doing Tempest? Sure, why not? An amazing parade of culture that resembled a badass Pink Floyd movie? Of course.

The deaf Scottish drummer who is to percussion what Beethovan was to piano? Yup. Didn’t hear any of it because of Bob Costas and Matt Lauer.

Every 5 minutes of watching the opening was punctuated by my shrill screams of , “Shut Up Bob!”

Every four years fencing (my sport, my love) gets Olympic attention.

You know why? It’s a friendly competition sport where people only pretend to kill each other with swords.

No biggie.

And yes, although it’s not live steel, it still hurts like hell if you get stuck with it.

However, as much as I want to see Team USA bring home a fat stack of be-ribboned gold bits, I can sometimes get way more into the the under dogs.

Ah, there’s the rub, that Hunger Games reference you were wondering about.

Sorry it took so long to get to it. Do forgive me.

So look at this from a District 9 standpoint: Of course Team USA stands a great chance of bringing home gold, they have every advantage. Food, facilities, trainers, money, sponsors with even more money.

Granted, some of the individual athletes have had to overcome some serious adversity to get to where they are now. And it truly is amazing to me and inspiring . . . . where are those damn tissues?

Now, take all that into consideration and look at the Syrian and Egyptian teams. It is hard enough for them to just have a peaceful day, much less safety to practice in. Not to mention the added stress if you are a female competitor, tough enough to go out without an escort if at all.

I was amazed during the opening ceremonies by how many new countries there are now. In 7th grade, I had straight A’s in geography. Not so much anymore.

Lastly, I’m even more proud of the Independent Olympic Athletes. More power to them.

What a beautiful games these are. May the odds be ever in your favor.

One response to “The 2012 Hungry Olympic Games.

  1. I’ll be the good guy and tell you that there IS hope in watching it LIVE. You CAN revel in the awesomeness of fencing, the psuedo man slaying sport.
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